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GAF Solar Roofing: A Competitive and Attractive Choice for Westchester Homeowners

GAF Solar Roofing: A Competitive and Attractive Choice for Westchester Homeowners


With the increases in options for solar panel installation and the potential energy cost savings, there has never been a better time than now to consider installing solar panels to the roof of your Westchester County home.  Options for financing the installation of a solar power system include purchasing the system, PPAs (Power Purchase Agreement), or zero-down leasing.   

If you are a homeowner in Westchester County who has investigated adding solar panels to your home’s roof in the past only to decide that the cost, savings, and potential negative impacts to the structure of your roof as well as to your home’s appearance and curb appeal made solar energy unappealing, it might be time to reconsider the benefits of GAF solar roofing.

B&W Roofing Inc.  is Westchester’s #1 solar roofing team and we are excited about the benefits that GAF solar roofing offers our customers, friends and neighbors. 

What are the Benefits of GAF Solar Roofing?

This aesthetically appealing solar power system offers several benefits to Westchester homeowners, including:

    • A low-profile design that doesn’t detract from your home’s curb appeal and beauty.
    • Design that both protects and works with your current roof, protecting the structure and integrity of the roof of your home.


  • An incredible opportunity for savings on your energy costs, including a 30% federal tax credit of the purchase and installation price as well as long-term savings on your home’s energy cost.
  • The opportunity to earn money from extra electricity produced by your home’s GAF Solar power system through selling SRECs (Solar Renewable Energy Certificates) to your local utility company.


  • GAF Solar Roofing has been tested and proven to provide a longer service life than traditional solar panels, allowing you to maximize your return on investment over the life of your system.

For more information about how our Westchester Solar Roofing company can help you maximize your energy savings with GAF Solar Roofing, contact us today.



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