Slate Roof Repair Westchester County NY

Slate Roof Repair Westchester NYSlate roofing repair work calls for the specialized know-how of an experienced slate roofing team. At B&W Roofing, we have worked with traditional slate roof repairs and composite slate roofs since our inception and understand the unique challenges set forth by each slate roof repair project. Whether your roof is a modern synthetic slate, tile roofing, or a traditional slate roof, our team can help with repair or re-installation work alike.

We are proud to carry on the long tradition of slate roofers here in Westchester. Our slate roofing services include slate roofing installation, slate roofing repair and copper flashing fabrication.

Slate Roof Repair Westchester NY
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Westchester County Roof Repair

Slate Roof Repair Westchester NY – When talking about slate roof repairs, most often we are not talking about a complete slate roofing system failure, but rather the failure of a certain area of the slate roof. In some cases a single slate roofing tile or section of the slate roofing tiles have become chipped, broken or otherwise damaged; for one reason or another.

Deterioration of slate roofing has a long list of causes from simple environmental stress, to the hands of time time to fallen branches, etc. The truth is slate roofs are incredibly durable, slate is strong and if you have recently installed a slate roof you should not see any issues with it in your lifetime.

  • Emergency Service
  • Slate Roof Inspection & Evaluation
  • Comprehensive Slate Roof Repair & Replacement

Westchester slate roof repair services

Slate Roof Repair

Customized Repair For Slate Roofing
Slate Roofing Repairs Must be Done by Experts

We cannot stress this enough – slate roof repair requires specialized know how. Here in Westchester, very few teams have the expertise to complete slate roofing repairs the right way.

This means more times then not we are called in after another team tried to repair the slate roof and did so with good intentions but a lousy technique.

Roofers inexperienced with slate will offer a fast and cheap fix, but what results is a bigger problem that will show itself in the future. Improper slate roof repair may last a few years, but at some point, in the not so distant future, the cheap materials used will start to crack, grow brittle and begin to leak.

What Our Customers Say About Our Roofing Services!

Westchester County NY Slate Roofing Company

Slate roofing shingles have been used on many of the world’s most iconic buildings and that is no different here in Westchester County.

Think of the Union Church of Pocantico Hills;The Good Counsel Complex is a distinguished example. The building is covered by a series of red slate shingle clad gable roofs. Or White Plains, Mapleton, also known as Alumnae House, College of White Plains, is adorned with a very distinctive slate roof.

On each of these historic structures here in Westchester, slate roofing has provided its unique look and time tested durability few roofing materials can match.

Ziggy Bobowski

Ziggy Bobowski – Owner
Contact us today to learn more about our team and products.